6 Stars for In the Fields by Willow Aster

Posted April 24, 2014 by FMA in 6 Stars and above - It left me with a book hangover!


I loved True Love Story, and was excited when I found out Willow Aster had another book coming out. But WOW, OH, WOW, I was not prepared for this one. In The Fields, touched my heart like no other book has ever done. It made me laugh, cry, and ache, it made me angry, and it made me think. It was …just, wow… I can’t seem to describe what I am feeling, or even what I want to say. I am angry that our society isn’t much better than it was in 1977, with regards to inter-racial relationships, and I am angry that people are still treated based upon the color of their skin. This book will make you examine your morals, values, and beliefs. It will challenge you.

I won’t take the time to give a synopsis of the book, you can get that by reading the blurb, and many other reviews you can read. What I hope you will do is read this book based upon the fact that Ms. Aster has written a lovely and intelligent novel about social injustices that took place in the late ’70’s (which still occur today). This is not as heavy as it sounds. She has found a way to make this book, with it’s heavy topic, lovely. It is a Must Read!

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