Well I don’t know where to start…this book challenged my morals, and beliefs, and made me angry. Angry because I began rooting for Gregory and Savannah, and angry for their circumstances. I wanted their all-consuming, once-in-a-life time love to make it, but at what cost, and to whom? The reality is, this book didn’t sugar coat the situation. It dragged us through the sludge. Randall and Sheehan-Miles didn’t make the reader feel good about what was going on. They didn’t make it pretty. They made it real. Sometimes, real isn’t pretty.
The change in POV was seamlessly executed. It was like the perfect composition, an exquisite dance.
Both authors are so talented. I have read all of, or most of all of, what they both have written, so I was thrilled to read their collaboration. The only reason I didn’t give 5 stars was I felt the book moved slowly in the some parts. Both characters were “in their heads” too much for me. I wanted more interaction, more action, just something. But, the book did get there, and, oh boy did it!
Would love to read something from them again.
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