6 Stars for Mud Vein by Tarryn Fisher

Posted May 2, 2014 by FMA in 6 Stars and above - It left me with a book hangover!

How do you describe a book like this? Beautiful? No, not really. Beautifully sculpted, beautifully written, yes. Fisher’s use of words was pure genius, they made you hear and feel, rriiip…swear…bang…rriiiip…swear…bang. Intriguing? Certainly, but it’s much more than that. The depth of this book is such that I am in awe of the author’s talent, brilliance. It captivates the mind with the twists and turns and its darkness. It certainly moves you. My heart was racing the entire book. There were moments when I couldn’t catch my breath and others when I was afraid to do so. Fear. Yes, I certainly felt that. Fear for Senna, for Isaac. I was happy they found love and sad for them too.

“What’s the difference? I asked him. “Between the love of your life, and your soulmate?”
“One is a choice, and one is not.”

This was a look inside the human mind and spirit. What makes us tick, who you are. Who are you?

“It’s a painful thing to look inside yourself and see the whys and how’s of your clockwork. You are a lot uglier than you think, plenty more selfish than you are likely to admit.”

I loved this book. It will certainly keep me thinking for the days ahead. Thinking about life, about love and about myself. And for me, that’s what great books do, they make you think!

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