Series: Deanna Madden, #2
Also in this series: The Girl in 6E, If You Dare
Genres: Erotic, Romance, Suspense
Review Copy Provided By: Author

Equal parts Dexter and 50 Shades, this is the eagerly awaited follow-up to the daring erotic thriller, The Girl in 6E, by A.R. Torre.
My rules:
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5 Twisted, Wicked, Incredibly Good, Stars!
“We don’t love people for their traits—traits are common. We love them for their unique ability to tug at our soul, to connect to us in a way that no other person can. Love is unexplainable, unpredictable, and often unreasonable. It doesn’t make sense, and doesn’t care to explain to us its thought process.”
Another book by Ms. Torre which left me staring at my Kindle questioning what I just read and leaving me in wonderment of this author’s gift. Her talent astounds. Her ability to weave and craft a story – albeit a wicked one, is truly incredible.
A follow-up to The Girl in 6E (Deanna Madden, #1), Alessandra Torre once again pushed my boundaries, made me uneasy and made me question my sanity in that I could like a book that was this twisted, dark and wicked.
Going into it, I wondered what Ms. Torre could bring to this series to make it MORE. What could possibly be added to the story line of Deanna Madden. Of course, this author didn’t disappoint, and I won’t spoil the plot by telling you the TWIST. Just that I was a nervous ball of energy, searching for and clearing the snack food shelves of my home like I was on a binge as I read – *Doritos saved the day*.
***Do Not Read Anymore Of This Review Unless You Have Read THE GIRL IN 6E There Will Be Spoilers***
She is a killer – born a killer, bred a killer however you want to classify it, she is a killer. She has killed and fears she will kill again and therefore has isolated herself for many years. That is until she saved Annie from Ralph.
When Deanna Madden stepped outside her door to save Annie, her desire for self-confinement was challenged, and was no longer satisfying. Dangerous thoughts ran through her head: Could she go outside? Could she return to her normal? She was worried she wouldn’t be able to isolate herself again after having had a taste of freedom, of the sun on her skin, of the smell of the fresh air, of the breeze of the wind on her face, of the human touch on her skin.
“Freedom can be a drug. The more you get, the more you want.”
In the last book we met Jeremy, the only man she has ever opened up to in an honest, romantic way. The one person with whom she has allowed herself to have relationship.
Deanna is a psychopath. By definition, she lacks feeling. However, she has feelings for two people, and those are the two people who take care of and care about her, Matthew and Jeremy.
I loved the way the author peeled away the layers of Deanna. We don’t just see a killer – she fantasizes about killing – yet is afraid of those tendencies. She kills, but feels guilty about the act. She is tormented by her isolation – she wants to be free, yet is afraid to be. She finds love in another human being, but doesn’t feel worthy of it, yet at the same time, wants to hold onto it and is afraid to disclose who she really is for fear of losing it.
I could feel her torment, her pain and anguish at the fear of losing her relationship, as well when she struggled with her twisted thoughts. I could feel her excitement of the kill or the prospect of the kill. As twisted as this is going to sound, I felt my breathing increase and my blood pressure rise as hers did. o.O That is great writing, folks. (Nope, that’s not a twisted reader!)
A dark, intriguing and suspenseful series. One that will certainly have you seeing blurred lines and outside of boxes!
*ARC graciously provided by author and publisher in exchange for honest review*
A New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal Bestselling Author, Alessandra Torre has written nine novels, four of which became #1 Erotic Bestsellers.
Her first book, Blindfolded Innocence, became a breakout hit, rising to the top of the charts on Kindle and Amazon where it attracted the interest of major publishing houses and garnered Torre her first print deal with Harlequin HQN. Less than twelve months later, Torre signed a second print deal, this time with Redhook (Hachette) for her erotic thriller The Girl in 6E.
From her home near the warm waters of the Emerald Coast in Florida, she devotes several hours each day to various writing projects and interacting with her fans on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. Happily married and with one son, she loves watching SEC football games, horseback riding, reading and watching movies.
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