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Series: Hearts #3
Also in this series: Six of Hearts, Hearts of Fire, Hearts of Blue, Thief of Hearts
Published by Smashwords Edition on July 16th 2015
Genres: Contemporary, Romance
Review Copy Provided By: Author

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Welcome to the City, London’s most prestigious square mile, where finance reigns and Oliver King is a rising prince.
I used to rule the world.There might be wolves on Wall Street, but there were crocodiles in Canary Wharf. Some of us craved money. Some of us craved power.I liked money, and power had its advantages, but what I really wanted was to excel, to surpass the men who came before me. I never cared much for love and romance until I met Alexis.I could feel it the very moment she walked into the interview, with her outspoken charm and vivacious personality. She cast all the others in shadow, made me laugh when life held no humour. Our friendship should have remained professional, but it wasn’t long before the lines started to blur.You know what they say about the best laid plans of mice and men? Well, I never foresaw where my plans would lead, and only in my darkest hour did I finally see the light…You can have all the money and prestige in the world and still be the poorest man alive. And love, well, I hate to use a tired old cliché, but love can be the thing that truly sets you free.L.H. Cosway’s next standalone romance, King of Hearts will be released in the summer of 2015.
I was provided a review copy; this did not influence my opinion of the book.
6 Brilliant Magnificent Exquisite Stars
“The best loves had to suffer the greatest hardships.”
King of Hearts is without a doubt one of my Top Favorites of 2015! L.H. Cosway brilliantly and magnificently brought King’s story to life! The details were exquisite, the characters astounding, the flow, word choice, humor, emotional impact… simply perfect! I couldn’t ask for anything more! I LOVED IT!
I loved this before (Beginning) and after (After) story of Oliver King from Hearts of Fire. In HoF, Oliver was horribly depressed and guilt ridden. He was overwrought with sadness at the apparent loss of his relationship with the mysterious woman in a photo and he was a drunk. He was living like a homeless man within his sister’s circus.
The Beginning is told from the point of view of Alexis Clark, the woman from the picture.
Even though she has her administration diploma, she is a barmaid from East End London. Deciding it is time to put that diploma to use, she ventures to the business district and to Johnson-Pearse. She applies for a job as his assistant. She doesn’t have the work experience and isn’t qualified for the job, but as soon as he sees her picture, he ignores her lack of qualifications and makes sure she is scheduled for an interview. King loves her spirit, and whit. She is quick to speak her mind, but she is also smart and sharp as a tack. She turns out to be not only a real asset to him at work, but a challenge for him on a personal level. He finds her honesty refreshing, her easy, care free spirit a delight and her curvy body, luscious.
“You included a picture, Miss Clark, and I liked the look of you.”
Ms. Cosway takes us on an emotional journey (sometimes hysterical, sometimes steamy, all the time beautiful), all the while bringing us a slow building relationship, which provided some of the best sexual tension I have ever read in a book. While I wanted them to get.it.on. already, I really didn’t because I was enjoying their magnetism so incredibly much.
“I wanted him to consume me; I wanted to consume him before life got in the way and ruined it for both of us.”
Even though they each have reservations about delving into a relationship outside of work, they find they can only fight the pull for so long. The catalyst was King going to watch her model and joining in on a session.
The incident which lead to the AFTER and the way it was written provided for such tears for me and heartache for Oliver King, that I had to stop reading. Because I knew what was coming next. I remembered his pain and anguish in Hearts of Fire. I remembered how incredibly and horrifically difficult his life was. That was the middle. And suddenly it all made sense. And I became flooded with his scenes from that book. I was afraid to read AFTER. I was afraid of what was in store for my heart.
After is told from Alexis’s POV. She is no longer modeling and now owns her own agency. She has turned her life around.
And then a letter turns it upside down.
Frightened of what she might find, determined to find what she knew she needed more than air, Alexis set off for the Circus, for King. What she found was better than her fears imagined, but worse than her loving heart could take.
“I couldn’t believe this was the same man who once sat in his office overlooking the Thames, a ruler of his own universe, the best at whatever he set his mind to. Now he was reduced to a homeless drunkard, completely unrecognisable.”
With a show of the most beautiful example of unconditional love, Alexis refuses to give up on King. Slowly and assuredly her love reminds him of who he was, shows him who he is and helps him see who he can become.
But that’s not the end of this beautiful story, you see, Ms. Cosway not only provided us with a Beginning, a middle and an After and but she also provided us with a stunning Epilogue. King. His voice was the crowning end to an epic novel!
My heart-felt like it was reading two stories weaved into one. It was seamlessly, and beautifully done. L.H. Cosway stepped up her game with this book. I would not have thought that possible, since I devoured and adored Six of Hearts, Hearts of Fire, Painted Faces and Killer Queen, but for me, this is truly an epic read. I can’t stop thinking about it, it has weaved its way into my daily activities. Music on the radio reminds me of these incredible characters. Driving down the road I find my thoughts drifting to scenes from the book. A beautiful story of seduction, second chance romance, healing, and unconditional love at its finest, King of Hearts is by far one of my Favorites of the Year and of all-time!
“I’m…” I began and then paused, feeling ridiculous. “This is stupid. I never make apologies for who I am or where I come from, but I just feel a bit embarrassed about my flat.”
“Your flat is lovely, Alexis.”
I pulled my lips through my teeth. “Thank you, but I mean the outside, not the inside. It’s probably because I’ve been to your place and seen how fancy it is. I bet you’ve never even stepped foot in a building like mine before in your life.”
He studied me, face drawn into a serious expression. I felt his shoulder brush mine when he said, “I haven’t, but what does that matter? You don’t always have to be stuck where you are. You can improve your life endlessly so long as you have the capability of doing it, and you, Alexis, have the capability. Don’t ever let anyone else tell you otherwise. But back to the matter at hand. You’re my friend, therefore, I don’t care where you live.”
I stared at him, dumbfounded and kind of flattered by all that stuff he said about my capabilities. I didn’t want him to know I was flattered though, so I ignored his compliment and blundered on. “And that’s another thing. Isn’t it a bit weird that I’m your friend and I also work for you? Do you normally make friends with your PAs? Isn’t this, whatever we’re doing, against the rules?”
“That’s a lot of questions.”
“I need a lot of answers.”
He was close enough that I could feel his breath on my ear. “Okay, I’ll endeavour to give you some. First, I wouldn’t say it’s weird that we’re friends. It’s more out of the ordinary.”
“Same difference.”
“Let me finish.”
“Fine,” I huffed.
“Second, no I don’t normally make friends with my PAs. In fact, I’d never planned to make friends with you. It just sort of happened. I like you. You make me laugh. And you’re different from other people I know. Having you around makes the day that little bit more interesting. I enjoy the spontaneity of never quite knowing what you’re going to come out with next,” he paused to laugh gently. “And third, no, it’s not against the rules. I’m free to be friends with whomever I choose, employee or not.” He went quiet then and I turned to see why he’d stopped talking.
His eyes looked…heated.
Now he whispered, his breath kissing my ear, “If I were to fuck you, it would be frowned upon, but it still wouldn’t be breaking the rules. I’m not your teacher or your college professor, Alexis.”
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Spotify Playlist Part Two:
L.H. Cosway KING OF HEARTS Release Week Event
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