⦿⦿⦿Do you have something to share? Share it here⦿⦿⦿
Share it Saturday is a post where I encourage sharing!
◦◦◦a book: did you read it, are you reading it, do you wanna read it, did you write it?◦◦◦
⦾ I recently finished Vanguard My Review by C. J. Markusfeld this was a beautifully written book and Dirty Deeds My Review by Karina Halle which had the exciting fight and chase scenes we love from her.
◦◦◦a special post? did you read it, did you make it? share it here◦◦◦
⦾ Vrsha reviewed Tyrant (King #2) by T.M. Frazier. Her review was fabulous and her graphics were gorgeous! Here is one of them…
⦿ Many of my blogging buddies took part in ‘Mean Girls – Book Tag’
This was another fun book tag which I hope to have finished some day 😉 Find the completed tags below:
⦾ Collector of Book Boyfriends
What about you, do you have something to share?
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