Pages: 110
Genres: Romance, Historical

This upcoming release is a novella that was previously published in 2015 in the Christmas-themed anthology, What Happens Under the Mistletoe.
At a house party in the countryside, the joyful spirit of the Christmas season threatens to sweep Georgiana Trent under the mistletoe—and back into the arms of the dashing rogue who broke her heart two years ago. Little does she know that Lucas Godwin has no intention of leaving until he has reclaimed her as his own.
I was provided a review copy; this did not influence my opinion of the book.
❝Interest dulls. Interest does not ruin a man. It does not blind him to other women. It does not catch in his chest like a hook. What I felt for you — what I feel for you — is far from interest.❞
I love Meredith Duran’s writing! I don’t know how she does it. Within her stories, you find layers of romance. With the turn of each page, my heart grows fuller. Her writing is fluid, her characters are fully developed and her stories, exquisitely detailed and full of passion. Meredith Duran is my unicorn. The mystical creature who enthralls and excites.
❝But no wise man hoped to forget the only woman who had ever held his heart.❞
This is a second chance, historical romance, about a man who falls in love with someone above his class. He is manipulated to believe she does not feel the same way. She too is manipulated by the only other man she has ever revered, to believe the man she fell in love with did not love her back.
❝He would court a naive wallflower for her connections–and then drop her flat the moment opportunity called him elsewhere, promising to advance his career more expediently.❞
When the two find out the truth, he cares more about her than he does his career, and she cares more about his career than she does for his love of her. Both are self-less. Both are in love. Neither wants anymore regret.
❝I never let go of you,❞ he said fiercely.❝Never Georgiana. I will admit, I tried to do so. But I never succeeded. ❞
A novella that is full of heart, Sweetest Regret will prove it isn’t the number of pages that matter, but the content.
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