4 Stars for The Encore, A Companion Novelette (The Bridge Series, #4) by Ashley Pullo

Posted July 5, 2014 by FMA in 4 Stars - It quenched my addiction!

The Bridge Series
The Encore, Ashley Pullo

With the 4th novella in the Bridge series, Ashley Pullo takes us on a short, cute, witty, funny journey, that begins with the annual zany LeGrange now Ford/Brooks vacation, and culminates with Natalie proving she’s more than just the party girl.

This is about Natalie, the snarky, funny, quick to speak her mind awesome woman, coming full circle and – dare I say it – growing up! Natalie is my favorite character in this series. I have loved reading about her strength of character and carefree attitude.

I enjoyed how Pullo wove tender moments within the funny, bringing the reader back to her previous work:

“I had the jeweler put it on a twenty-inch chain so it sits lower than your star,”

I loved the ending. Ashley can write funny and snarky, and she can be witty, but dang, she sure knows how to tug those heartstrings too.

***The Bridge Series should be read in order****
The Ballad (The Bridge, #1) by Ashley Pullo  See my review

Intermission (The Bridge, #2) by Ashley Pullo See my review

The Refrain (The Bridge, #3) by Ashley Pullo See my review

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