REVIEW: 4 1/2 Stars for LOVE SHOW by Audrey Bell

Posted September 12, 2014 by FMA in 4 Stars - It quenched my addiction!

Love Show by Audrey Bell

Hadley Arrington is the career-driven editor-in-chief of her university’s prestigious newspaper. Jack Diamond is a laidback student whose good looks have made things even easier than they need to be. She’s the girl who came out of nowhere and kissed him in the rain. He’s the boy who made her do something crazy.

When the stakes seem too high, they have to decide if they’ll let their love show or if they’ll walk away for good.


My Review

This book was an unexpected surprise!  What started out as a sweet NA ended up being much more.   There were so many elements to it that kept me involved in the story.  It was funny, it was sweet and romantic, it was also a little sad.  I  laughed and even shed some tears.

Hadley Arrington, is a senior in college, a journalism student and editor-in-chief of the student newspaper.  She is socially conscious and determined to have a career as a foreign correspondent with the New York Times.  She promised herself she wouldn’t fall in love so as not to follow her mother’s footsteps.

Jack Diamond, is also a senior in college.  He doesn’t have any career aspirations, doesn’t have much life direction, is just kind of floating by.

The two meet when, at a tailgate party, her best friend David dares her to kiss a stranger.  She chooses Jack.  In awe of her boldness, Jack begins to pursue Hadley.  Thing is, she doesn’t want a relationship, not with Jack, not with anyone.  But the connection between the two is undeniable so they agree to a “friends-with-benefits” relationship.  As with any FOB relationship, there has to be a set of rules.  Jack believes he hit the jackpot because the rules set by Hadley were every man’s dream.

“Because you just made it against the rule to do any of the things that every guy doesn’t want to do with his girlfriend.”

I loved their witty banter, her snarkiness, and his sweetness.  I love how they learn about each other.  Their discussions about each other’s feelings and needs and wants were great.  There was such a great sense of vulnerability to their relationship, they were both honest with each other and knew where the other stood.  They truly grew to be friends.

“I didn’t think anything could feel as amazing as skydiving until I slept with you.”

I arched my head back.  “Oh yea?  So, what’s this?  Double-checking?”

He smiled, shaking his head.  “No, I’m sure.  This is just to keep things interesting.”

And, keep it interesting he did.  He wanted to date her, he wanted her to be his girlfriend, and she kept pushing him away – her and those damn rules!  I found myself angry with Hadley that she kept shutting him down.  It was like role reversal.  Here, the boy wanted the girl, but the girl didn’t want to commit.

I will let you find out the rest of the story.  Yes, there are some parts that are predictable, but there is so much more to this story that I loved.

“I wanted him.
I missed him.
I would trade this for him.
I would trade this for nothing.
But I wanted to trade this for him.”

This was really a wonderful story.  I highly recommend it.  The end.. agh, I just can’t stop thinking about it!

This book was generously provided by author in exchange for honest review

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