Day 7 of 14 DAYS OF FAVORITE BOOK COUPLES: Featuring Drew and Ashley from Beauty and The Mustache by Penny Reid

Posted February 7, 2015 by FMA in Special Post


FMA and Foxy have teamed up to bring you fourteen of their favorite book couples in honor of Valentine’s day.


One of the most romantic moments in a Romance Novel is the First Kiss.  A Smart Romance.


Not breaking his stride, Drew backed me up against the wall, his hands gripping my waist, his mouth unexpectedly meeting mine for a soft, sweet, caressing kiss.

I’m not going to lie.  I kissed him back.  But it was a confusing kiss for several reasons.

First, it gave me zings in my things, as Sandra would say.  Maybe it was the beard; more likely, it was the man attached to the beard.

Second, it didn’t feel like a friend kiss despite the fact that it was over in less than five seconds.  But it didn’t exactly feel like it was planned to be something more.  In fact, I don’t think he’d planned to kiss me at all.  It was a truly spontaneous kiss.

Third, his kiss made me feel like I’d been filled up with a bolt of lightning; my restless energy increased tenfold the moment our lips touched.

I felt distinctly dazed as I gazed up at him.

“Hi Ash.”  “It’s great to see you.”

*This excerpt is reproduced by kind permission of Penny Reid.

Beauty and The Mustache Playlist





Beauty and The Mustache book | Penny Reid’s: Amazon author page


Four winners of this giveaway will receive a kindle copy of one of the following books:
Click the lips below to enter the giveaway.

Six of Hearts by LH Coswaykiss_lips

Made by JM Darhowerkiss_lips

Maybe Someday by Colleen Hooverkiss_lips

Dirty Angels by Karina Hallekiss_lips

*All books can be read as a standalone


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Day one – Jay & Matilda | Day two – Justin & Celeste | Day three – Luca & Manny

Day four – Ford & Ashleigh | Day five – Corrado & Celia | Day six – Calder & Eden

Day seven – Drew & Ashley | Day eight – Tristan & Danika | Day nine – Ridge & Sydney

Day ten – Leo & Tabitha | Day eleven – Hawk & Gwen | Day twelve – Nikolai & Thora

Day thirteen – Javier & Luisa | Day fourteen – Christian & Ana

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