Welcome to the NEW home of Feeding My Addiction Book Reviews!

Posted April 24, 2015 by FMA in

Well, the transfer is complete!  After ONE year of blogging, *throws confetti*, promises to have a party, or at least some sort of celebration soon, I now have a new, fancier blog with bells and whistles!

Over the course of the next few months there will continue to be changes as I continue to make additions, as well as learn everything – or at least attempt to learn everything – I can. So this means you will just see the changes as they occur 🙂

A bit of a warning though, as you look back at old posts, you will see that some didn’t fair so well in the transfer, as my old template had different settings, so the font size differs, as well as general layout.  I will make adjustments to those that need them the most, the others, well … they now have “character”

As always, please be patient, and let me know what you think…


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