4 Recovering Stars for Nova and Quinton: No Regrets, by Jessica Sorensen

Posted April 23, 2014 by FMA in 4 Stars - It quenched my addiction!

“For everyone who suffered loss and learned how to live again. Know that you are not alone.”


As with Breaking Nova, we see what loss can do to the human spirit. In this book, Jessica Sorensen tries to weave back together two tormented souls. We are once again sharing in the daily struggles of loss, but now of recovery too.

This a second chance, an enlightening of the characters. Not just accepting their past but becoming adults. And learning to accept that bad things happen to good people even to those you love and to yourself. And that it’s okay to let go of the guilt and pain of loss, that by doing so doesn’t means you are forgetting. It means you are finding something to live for.

While there was an epilogue, I wish the book were longer. It ended at 85%. I wanted more finality with the characters. I wanted to know what the future held for them.

I understand there will be another book in this series that will hopefully bring is closure to their story. One that has just begun.

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