*****5 Beautiful, Healing, Stars***** for Carnage 2: The Story of Me (Carnage #2) by Lesley Jones

Posted August 1, 2014 by FMA in 5 Stars - It fed my addiction!

Official Carnage 2 Cover

Carnage 2: The Story of Me by Lesley Jones



When your world, your life and all of your hopes and dreams for the future are ripped out from under you, how do you go on? Death without dying is not only the most painful kind of death, it’s also the most painful kind of life and I don’t know if I’m strong enough to live it. I spend my lonely days and nights trying to make sense of what my life has become. Do I have the strength to move forward into the light, or should I just let the darkness take me? I’m Georgia Rae Layton McCarthy and this is the story of me, just me. I’m no longer a part of an us, it’s just me.
By myself.
My Review

Let me start this review by saying it is with GREAT relief to be able to give this follow-up to Carnage 1: The Story of Us 5 Stars. I can honestly say I was a bit afraid. Carnage #1 is one of my all-time favorite books. (my review) So how do you follow that? I’m just glad it was Lesley Jones who had the daunting task and not me. Because she did it with a master’s touch. She took on the task of healing Georgia Rae Layton McCarthy, and she did it powerfully, beautifully, and with love.

This is the healing of Georgia Ray. Her journey back to life, after her emotional death.

“You made me feel.” I don’t know why I’m telling him this.

“It’s not even been a year, and you made me feel.”

Drowning in guilt, reeling from her loss, and living with a shattered heart; she has to find her way back to herself, or at least a new self. Figuring out how to do that, to go on and live is challenging and frightening.

Her incredibly supportive family and her amazing cousin Jax, slowly help her accept the past for what it was, a tragedy, and realize she has to move on, to live on. I LOVED her cousin Jax! (HE needs a book!) He was incredibly insightful, caring and handled Georgia with the right amount of care and straight talk.

“Stop crying and feeling sorry for yourself, George. You did a shitty thing, but crying ain’t gonna change that, and it certainly won’t make you feel better.”


Lesley Jones gives us a story of redemption, healing, love and family with this continuation of Carnage #1.

I was graciously given an ARC for my honest review by Lesley Jones

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