Motion (Laws of Physics, #1; Hypothesis, #2.1) by Penny Reid –> Review

Posted February 10, 2019 by FMA in 4 Stars - It quenched my addiction!

Motion (Laws of Physics, #1; Hypothesis, #2.1) by Penny Reid –> ReviewMotion (Laws of Physics, #1; Hypothesis, #2.1) by Penny Reid
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Series: Laws of Physics #1
Also in this series: Space (Laws of Physics, #2; Hypothesis, #2.2)
Published by EverAfter Romance
on February 11, 2019
Pages: 300
Genres: Romantic Comedy
Review Copy Provided By: Penny Reid

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Forced to lie to protect her sister . . .From the New York Times Bestselling Author, Penny Reid

One week.Home alone.Girl genius.Unrepentant slacker.Big lie.What’s the worst that could happen?

Mona is a smart girl and figured everything out a long time ago. She had to. She didn’t have a choice. When your parents are uber-celebrities and you graduate from high school at fifteen, finish college at eighteen, and start your PhD program at nineteen, you don’t have time for distractions outside of your foci. Even fun is scheduled. Which is why Abram, her brother’s best friend, is such an irritant.

Abram is a talented guy, a supremely gifted musician, and has absolutely nothing figured out, nor does he seem to care. He does what he feels, when he feels, and—in Mona’s opinion—he makes her feel entirely too much.

Laws of Physics is the second trilogy in the Hypothesis series; Laws of Physics parts 1 (MOTION) & 2 (SPACE) end with a cliffhanger.

I was provided a review copy; this did not influence my opinion of the book.

Reading this book was like:

Because I was waiting for:

But then they:

And then I was like:

But the ending has me:

Now I have to wait another month to find out and

No, I don’t think it is. Penny Reid, just email me the next book tonight


About Penny Reid

Penny Reid is the New York Times, Wall Street Journal and USA Today Best Selling Author of the Winston Brothers, Knitting in the City, Rugby, and Hypothesis series. She used to spend her days writing federal grant proposals as a biomedical researcher, but now she just writes books. She’s also a full time mom to three diminutive adults, wife, daughter, knitter, crocheter, sewer, general crafter, and thought ninja.

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