Series: Spiral of Bliss #4
Also in this series: Awaken, Allure, Arouse, Arrive
Published by Snow Queen Publishing on February 9th 2016
Pages: 513
Genres: Contemporary, Erotic, Romance
Review Copy Provided By: Author

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Liv and Dean West have always fallen together, but this time they might fall apart...
Liv and Dean have everything…almost. With a rambunctious toddler, crazy work schedules, and too many responsibilities, they’ve lost sight of their passionate, intimate marriage. And Professor West is none too happy about that.
Determined to lure his wife into hot new adventures, Dean struggles with his need to have Liv all to himself and the reality of sharing her with the world.
Then he gets an opportunity that could change their lives…and Liv is faced with the prospect of her white knight going places where she can’t follow.
Book Four in New York Times Bestselling Author Nina Lane's Spiral of Bliss series.
Among the many things I loved about ‘Adore’, is that this wasn’t just a follow-up book, an addition in the series. Nina Lane delved into the psyche of her characters. We read what they are thinking, deep down who they really are. We learn them. We care about them. I have a much better understanding of who Dean and Liv are, and why they made and make the choices they do.
Dean is gone a great deal of time due to work. Liv is moving on with life at home as if she were single. She’s making decisions for the family and plans for her life, without informing or asking Dean. She is excluding him, living as if a single mom. Perhaps that is because she kind of is. It is easier to just make decisions and share them later. Sometimes though, once he returns home, they get caught up in day to day life and forget to talk. Resentment soon builds, but they hide it, because she wants him to be happy in what he does and she would never ask him to do anything different and he doesn’t want to overstep her boundaries.
❝I’ve had to learn how to back off, stand down, retreat, when everything in me wants to fight. I’ve had to stop trying to fix everything, even when I’ve wanted to do nothing more. Even when I still want to.❞
As with any marriage, Dean and Liv are not immune to problems. Communication, finding time for intimacy, forgetting to put their marriage first, just generally letting life get in the way. As their jobs and passions take them on separate paths, can the couple survive? Will they get so lost in their own needs, wants and dreams, that they forget they are a couple?
❝You always have to work to maintain success. I’ve done that with our business as best I can,but I’m now realizing I also have to do that with my marriage.❞
Lane has crafted such wonderful characters. Dean is sexy as hell. He is also, kind and caring. He loves Liv more than life itself and it shows. He isn’t perfect but he tries. Liv is just as amazing in her own way. She is strong, determined and would do almost anything to make her husband happy, often putting his needs/wants and dreams before hers.
This is one of my all-time favorite series!

Need to catch up on the series? Find out more about AROUSE, Spiral of Bliss #1!
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