#SurpriseRelease and #Review — Poesy by Mary Elizabeth

Posted June 19, 2016 by FMA in 5 Stars - It fed my addiction!, Blog Tour, Giveaways

#SurpriseRelease and #Review --- Poesy by Mary Elizabeth

#SurpriseRelease and #Review — Poesy by Mary ElizabethPoesy Series: Low #0.5
Also in this series: Low
on June 19th, 2016


Living on the right side of the tracks can be cruel.

Poesy Ashby lives a dysfunctional life to prove it. Determined not to turn out like her parents, she’s gives up seeking their approval and focuses on breaking free. But abiding by the rules is nearly impossible when corruption is in your blood.

Before Poesy Ashby becomes a renegade on the run, she's a girl from the suburbs who finds acceptance for the first time in the most unexpected place: between rose petals and thorns.

Bonnie and Clyde have nothing on her love story.

Cover Design: By Hang Le

I was provided a review copy; this did not influence my opinion of the book.

Review for Poesy


When you read a prequel Novella for a character you didn’t necessarily care for in the previous book, what do you hope to learn?

In ‘Low’, Poesy Ashby was a difficult character for me to like. I felt she was more of a bad influence on Low than he was on her. I believed he would have fought harder to do the right thing (and possibly won), had it not been for her. So for me, it was important that this book, ‘Poesy’, provide us with an understanding of the desperation Poe felt, as well provide us with an understanding for her poor decision-making.

I am happy to say, I found those answers within the pages of this book.

I felt sorry for Poe. I knew she was born into the middle-class and unto neglectful parents, who were more concerned with their own lives than her. She was an inconvenience. I KNEW it. It wasn’t until reading ‘Poesy’ that I truly understood how terrible living in a home like hers was and why she clung to Low and his family.

“Mom was emotionally foul.
Dad was just emotionless.
He resents his wife for getting pregnant after a few drunken LA weekends, and he resents me for being born.”

I finally understand Poesy. I understand who she is. I may still blame her for pulling Low over the good and bad line, but I understand her passion and her drive. I felt her undeniable love and need to be loved.


Mary Elizabeth’s trademark prose is present in this book

“Like there’s an invisible line in the road; bums and playas don’t pass “Go” and collect two hundred dollars when things get fancy, and the uppity avoid the mark leading to the dark side like they’ll catch “poor” by breathing the same air as the less fortunate.
Both parts of town feel like home.
Both welcome me with open arms.”

To me, this was a perfect description of Poesy’s circumstances. Where does she fit in? On which “side of the tracks” does she belong?

I could feel the desperation to belong, to feel needed, wanted, loved. She soaked it up like the flowers Low watered and cultivated. I loved the stark contrast between the families, one was riddled with love, the other, indifference. So while I may not agree with her choices, I understand why she made them.

“Little things such as this—small displays of affection I’ve been starved for my entire life—are some of the reasons I’ve fallen for him.”

Overall, I enjoyed ‘Poesy’. I definitely love Mary Elizabeth’s writing. Her sentence structure and word choice suck me in every time! Her writing is beautifully descriptive which is in contrast to the heavy storyline. Her characters are thoroughly developed and intriguing. My only criticism is I would have liked this part of the story added to ‘Low’, and not be its own book. BUT that did not take away from my enjoyment of it, nor did it affect my rating. Because while I would have liked these answers sooner, and to have heard from Poe in the ‘Low’, I was thrilled to get revisit this couple!


Have you read the first book in the series?

Low Ebook Cover


About Mary Elizabeth

Mary Elizabeth is an up and coming author who finds words in chaos, writing stories about the skeletons hanging in your closets.

Known as The Realist, Mary was born and raised in Southern California. She is a wife, mother of four beautiful children, and dog tamer to one enthusiastic Pit Bull and a prissy Chihuahua. She’s a hairstylist by day but contemporary fiction, new adult author by night. Mary can often be found finger twirling her hair and chewing on a stick of licorice while writing and rewriting a sentence over and over until it’s perfect. She discovered her talent for tale-telling accidentally, but literature is in her chokehold. And she’s not letting go until every story is told.
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