Review: Fuel the Fire by Krista and Becca Ritchie

Posted May 20, 2015 by FMA in 4 Stars - It quenched my addiction!

Review: Fuel the Fire by Krista and Becca RitchieFuel The Fire by Krista and Becca Ritchie
Series: Calloway Sisters
Also in this series: Hothouse Flower, Kiss the Sky, Long Way Down
Published by K.B. Ritchie
on April 02, 2015
Pages: 460
Genres: New Adult


Spin-off book in the Addicted series | Book #3 in the Calloway Sisters series

Protect your family. At all costs.
It’d take the impossible to hurt Connor Cobalt, even for a moment.
Protect your family. At all costs.
At twenty-six, his narcissistic tendencies have made room for the people he loves.
Protect your family. At all costs.
And he loves Rose. But when his love is threatened, when his greatest dreams with her are compromised — what is the cost then?
Protect your family. At all costs.
Love will guide his choices.
For the first time in his life.

New Adult Romance: recommended for readers 18+ for mature
***Author's Note***
It's possible to only read the Calloway Sisters spin-off series without reading the Addicted series, but you MUST read Hothouse Flower (Calloway Sisters #2) before reading Fuel the Fire (Calloway Sisters #3).
It's highly recommended to read the books in the recommended reading order, which is in tangent with the Addicted series. However, if you choose not to read Addicted After All before Fuel the Fire, there will be a time jump.

4.5 #RCC This is love #NerdStars!

“How do you measure love? Is it by the things we’re willing to do? By the sacrifices we’re willing to make?”

The writing in this book was, as always, phenomenal.  The twins insight into life once again, astounds.  Their characters,  dynamic, the plot, well-developed thereby giving us another compelling read!

Protect your family. At all costs. The theme of this book. Rose and Connor face seemingly impossible odds as they do any and everything necessary to Protect their family. At all costs.  As life-changing secrets are revealed and with Scott Van Wright back in the picture, this dynamic duo come together like the powerhouse they are and champion the fight… to Protect your family. At all costs.  The unending support and love these characters show one another and for their family was beautifully written.  The last quarter of the book had me in constant tears.  This is another gift these two authors have, they make you FEEL what their characters feel.  They also make you THINK.

“We can’t protect our children from every evil in the world, but what we can do is protect them from a specific group of people.”

There were four specific scenes that stood out to me while reading and three “relationships” that made my heart swell with such emotion that I was unable to fight the tears.  The scenes; Rose and Frederick’s talk, Lo, Ryke and Rose making pizza, Rose and Connor by the fire and the epic Epilogue.  These scenes captured such depth of emotion and vulnerability from these characters that I genuinely forgot I was reading.  I was so caught up in those scenes I lost track of everything around me, time slipped away and I became entranced.

Rose and Connor’s relationship with Jane was beyond words.  The way the Ritchie sisters wrote about parenthood was incredibly insightful!  This is my Goodreads update:

48.0% “What an absolutely perfect representation of having a child, the fears, the love, the doubt… beautifully written and spot on.”

I am in awe how they captured the feelings of first time parents, of the fears, trepidation and over-whelming love.

“I was afraid to raise a boy.  Some days I was afraid to raise a daughter.  Mostly, I was afraid to raise anything at all.  When I held her for the very first time, when my fingers touched hers and hers closed around mine, as though recognizing who I was-every anxiety I harbored began to fade.”

 The relationship between the sisters.  They have grown so close and are maturing individually.  The transformation from the first book, Addicted to You to this one, is genius!  Bravo to the authors!

“We’re the Calloway sisters,”  We can do anything, right?”

But, of course, saving the best for last is the OTP, the epic love of a life time, my favorite couple of the series, Connor and Rose.  Krista and Becca brilliantly explore each Rose and Connor in-depth.  We learn so much more about what makes them tick, what makes them vulnerable, who and why they love.  Why they hide behind the masks they wear and who they choose to show their true selves and why!  These authors tackle some societal issues and I think they did so tactfully, all the while allowing each character to remain solid, never wavering from who they were.

But it was Rose’s strength that pulls Connor through and Connor’s love that reinforces Rose’s strength that brought me to my knees.  Keeping her chin up and shoulder’s back Rose was the unwavering supporter for her husband.  There is and will never be anything or anyone who will stand in their way.  And she will never let anyone hurt Connor, not even Connor himself.

“You should never hate the better version of you, the one that loves, the one that hurts-because this man in front of me is extraordinary.”

Connor’s character is written with such a fierce love that there is never any doubt that he will have your back if you are on the receiving end of it.  And Rose is the lucky woman who has his ultimate love.  Connor has studied her most of his life and lives for her.

“So long as I may be living, I live with you.”  “Forever is not nearly long enough.”

As I sit and write this review, I cannot think of another fictional couple with a love like theirs.  One built on trust, respect and friendship.  There is no drama between the two that tears them a part for a time. The drama is from the outside and they always stand as a united front and face the world together.  I love these characters and their story.

My song for Connor and Rose:

Other Books In The Series:

Addicted to You (Addicted #1): Goodreads :: Amazon :: My Review
Ricochet (Addicted #1.5): Goodreads :: Amazon :: My Review
Addicted for Now (Addicted #2): Goodreads :: Amazon :: My Review 
Thrive (Addicted #2.5): Goodreads :: Amazon :: My Review
Addicted After All (Addicted, #3): Goodreads :: Amazon :: My Review 
Kiss the Sky (Calloway Sisters #1):  Goodreads :: Amazon :: My Review 
Hothouse Flower (Calloway Sisters #2): Goodreads :: Amazon :: My Review 
Fuel the Fire (Calloway Sisters, #3; Addicted, #3.1): Goodreads :: Amazon

Yet to be released:

Long Way Down (Calloway Sisters, #4; Addicted, #3.2): Goodreads


About Krista and Becca Ritchie

Krista & Becca Ritchie are identical twins—one a science nerd, the other a comic book geek—but with their shared passion for writing, they combined their mental powers as kids and have never stopped telling stories. Now in their early twenties, they write about other twenty-somethings navigating through life, college, and romance. They love superheroes, flawed characters, and soul mate love.

They are the New Adult authors of the Addicted series and Calloway Sisters spin-off series, and you can find them on almost every social media, frolicking around like wannabe unicorns.

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