Review ~ Menace by J. M. Darhower

Posted January 16, 2017 by FMA in 5 Stars - It fed my addiction!

Review ~ Menace by J. M. DarhowerMenace by J. M. Darhower
Series: Scarlet Scars #1
Also in this series: Grievous
Published by Indie
on January 16, 2017
Genres: Romance, Suspense
Review Copy Provided By: Author


Once upon a time, there was a guy who got so fed up with life that he resorted to murder and mayhem just to feel alive.

Lorenzo Gambini is bored. So fucking bored. Most people either annoy him or avoid him, afraid to face him. Figuratively. Literally. With his face partially disfigured, scarred, he looks every bit the monster the stories make him out to be: the notorious menace they call Scar. They say he's a sociopath. Maybe he's a psychopath. Whatever path he's on, people tend to stay far away from it.

Until one day, a young woman bumps right into him--a woman just as fed up with life, but for much different reasons. With a Scarlet Letter inked on her wrist and secrets buried deep in her soul, Morgan Myers is running from something... or maybe somebody. Lorenzo isn't quite sure.

You can bet your ass he's going to figure it out, though.

I was provided a review copy; this did not influence my opinion of the book.

❝Face your fears and wipe your tears.❞

Did you read the Monster in His Eyes series? The books in that series made my faves of the year! J.M. Darhower’s voice is real, it’s gritty and raw. So when I heard she had a new series coming, I jumped at the chance to read it. When I found out it was about Lorenzo Gambini … I was at a loss. Everyone told me he was introduced in Target on Our Backs, but my memory sucks, so I had no clue who he was. I did go back and read a bit of TOOB so I had some idea who he was. But the beauty of this book? You don’t need to know him. You don’t have to know who he was before.

Lorenzo is, how do I say this nicely … well, I can’t. He is a psychopath. He may like you one day and kill you the next. A true anti-hero, he is without remorse for the things he does, yet there are redeeming parts to his personality. He loves his brother and will do anything to protect him. He also wants to help Morgan, even though getting involved with a woman on any level other than superficial goes completely against his grain.

Morgan. That woman is strong and fearless and resilient. I loved her. She is a fighter. But she doesn’t trust easily. So when Lorenzo shows interest, she doesn’t know what to do with it or him.

This book surprised me. The plot twist completely caught me off guard. I love this author’s writing. She never disappoints. I mean, she writes about subjects that should be appalling, yet I can’t get enough! I need book two now! I can’t wait to read the next book, to see what happens next.



About J. M. Darhower

J.M. Darhower is the USA Today bestselling author of books about the hottest hitmen and the women who find some hope in them. She lives in a tiny town in rural North Carolina, where she churns out more words than will ever see the light of day. She has a deep passion for politics and speaking out against human trafficking, and when she isn’t writing (or fangirling) she’s usually ranting about those things. Chronic crimper with a vulgar mouth, she admits to having a Twitter addiction. You can usually find her there.

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