Series: Knitting in the City #3
Also in this series: Neanderthal Seeks Human, Beauty and The Mustache, Neanderthal Marries Human, Ninja at First Sight
Published by Caped Publishing on March 3, 2014
Pages: 390
Genres: Contemporary, Humor, Romance

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There are three things you need to know about Sandra Fielding: 1) She makes all her first dates cry, 2) She hasn't been kissed in over two years, and 3) She knows how to knit.
Sandra has difficulty removing her psychotherapist hat. Of her last 30 dates, 29 have ended the same way: the man sobbing uncontrollably. After one such disaster, Sandra--near desperation and maybe a little tipsy--gives in to a seemingly harmless encounter with her hot waiter, Alex. Argumentative, secretive, and hostile Alex may be the opposite of everything Sandra knows is right for her. But now, the girl who has spent all her life helping others change for the better, must find a way to cope with falling for someone who refuses to change at all.
This is a full-length, 110k word novel and is the third book in the Knitting in the City series. All books in the series can be read as a standalone.
❝Nothing screams lady-mind-porn like a hot, shirtless, sexy man doing dishes after giving her a reason to be exhausted.❞
How does Penny Reid continue to blow me away? Love Hacked is fantastic! Alex is such an enigma, one that the ever clever Sandra cannot figure out. I didn’t want to stop reading, I only wanted to find out MORE about Alex, who he was, what had he done, and what was in his past. He was so …alpha. So controlling (of himself and his surroundings) and domineering.
Sandra was the typical Penny Reid female character. Strong, intelligent and funny, while being incredibly endearing. She’s the child psychiatrist who is used to solving everyone’s problems. She can’t help it really, it is ingrained. But despite his history, Alex isn’t a problem to be solved and in order for them have any relationship, she must put aside her instincts and he must learn to trust.
I learned and adopted a new word from Sandra, “manlicious“. It’s perfect really, in describing a hot guy with so much sex appeal you can’t concentrate, he’s “manlicious“. Of course, the knitting group stole the show, their support, and laughter created many fun times and laugh out loud moments.
❝What is your least favorite part of the male anatomy?❞
❝Come on.❞ ❝You have to have a least favorite part.❞
❝Really? I just pour out my heart to you and….❞
❝Oh, my lord.❞
❝I know, right? I mean, shouldn’t those things be on the inside?❞
❝I feel like the rest of the male body makes a lot of sense. And then…balls.❞
This was the last book in the Knitting in the City series I needed to read. I am all caught up. They are full of such fun and witty banter, many intelligent storylines and fantabulous characters. If you haven’t started it yet, I highly recommend it!
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